Pursuit Intervention Technique
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The Pursuit Intervention Technique, otherwise known as the PIT Maneuver.
The Pit Maneuver is a pursuit tactic by which a pursuing car can force a fleeing car to turn sideways abruptly, causing the driver to lose control and stop.
Due to the outcome of PIT maneuvers that could potentially occur it has been deemed that a max speed for executing this technique is set at 150 mph.
Deputies must also be aware of their surrounding prior to performing a pit and ensure the following:
Speeds at or under 150 mph.
Lite to medium traffic in the area.
Pursuit units must have attempted a rolling road block.
Spike Strips have been unsuccessful. (request spikes by another officer first)
Request permission from highest in command.
P.I.T. Timer of 3 mins (at start of pursuit)
Pursuit vehicle MUST have a push bar on their vehicle
Officers should take into consideration what charges the driver is facing when considering the use of a P.I.T. maneuver. If the driver is facing a minor traffic infraction (Running a red light, Speeding 5-15 mph over posted) the consideration of using a P.I.T. maneuver needs to be justified.
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